I am currently undergoing colon hydrotherapy and I am several weeks into the program.
First, let me say that it is extremely unlikely to see any improvement after 3 days...I personally didn't see improvement until several weeks into the program. Also, the center where I go will NEVER treat you three days in a row...their rule is to space out appointments 10 days apart (in some cases 7 days) and they say there are health reasons for doing that.
The treatment is painless, nothing like the torture you times you 'may' experience slight cramping as waste is being expelled from your colon, but it is only for a few seconds at a time.
I'm beginning to think that the people who treated you really don't know what they're doing...for example, I didn't have to go on an 'apple only diet' at wasn't even discussed and why 'apple', why not lemon water, which is far better? In fact, why the diet at all?
Also, what you went through in 3 days, I went through in 3 weeks, so you might want to do some research into how reputable that center is. The first 3 treatments removes old waste, but not 'black tire', which in my opinion is vital before you can begin to feel better because that's where parasites, bacteria, candida, etc. are protected and trapped...if you don't remove that, you're just wasting money and time. It's like clearing out rubbish from your garage so that you can repair the stopped before the program had a chance to begin the real work.
At my center they tell you all the time to take probiotics after each treatment...they even have it on sale on the premises along with a host of herbs, some of which are required to continue with the program.
In regards to my health has improved a lot, I can eat foods that would normally make me sick for days. Yesterday, I broke my diet and I ate Mc Donalds (yeah I know) with "no" impact, I then ate about three bags of potato chips with no impact and today, again I ate Mc Donalds and I feel fine; there's not even a hint of fatigue and my bm's are normal.
Finally, if most uc suffers have compacted waste in their colons...most supplements, etc. will not be as effective as they should be until the waste and 'black tire' is removed. However, my center will not treat anyone with UC if they have ulcers in their colon. I have been treated by four different therapists and I have never experienced pain at my center...the environment is really nice, they play music or videos...they talk to you and explain the process and they are very gentle with the treatment; I actually look forward to it to be honest because I know I'm getting better.
relativelyquantum, if you don't mind me asking, where did you go for your colonic?