Since you were diagnosed with UC what is the longest length of time you've gone in the day without actually thinking about
your bowel, UC or some related matter.
I've been diagnosed for 12 months now and it just dawned on me that in that time I've probably never gone 60 (waking) minutes without at least thinking something about UC. Is this "normal"? "semi-freaky"? "needs to visit with Dr. Phil - freaky"?
And if it is the norm isn't that like sooooooooo soooooo unhealthy on the mind long term? Imagine the toll it takes on the mind especially if you view UC in a mind-numbing negative way.
But the weird thing is depsite UC dominating my mind I've never ever dreamt of it. I dream about a lot of my fears - death, loss of my good looks, Yankees winning the World Series but never about UC? Does anyone dream much about UC?