Hi Judy,
I just wanted to tell you why I'm angry...
"The potential side effects of long-term steroid use are well-known and published all over the internet."
The side affects are published and I combed through the medication product monograph when she got the meds, and searched the internet, but none of the information I found said anything about a person's bones dying...osteoporosis yes, but not AVN. I thought ok, osteoporosis, we'll just give her extra calcium and pray that her bones will be ok. In her case, she had one long, unrelenting flare and the steroids were oral at first, then IV, so at that point, she was bleeding to death and we were just trying to save her life. And in all honesty, we'd have said yes to the pred, but now I feel like we were not given the CHOICE to be well informed and feel cheated by the medical community.
As her mother, it's my job to care for and protect her and if this were a naturally occurring disease, I guess I'd have an easier time accepting it, but right now, I guess I'm just trying to get through my anger.
Anyway, thanks for letting me vent and for your support!