80% of people with the potential to have UC, never get the condition triggered.
The obvious question is to then say that certain factors must increases the risk of trigger (not talking about the risk of having the gene - that's different).
But unless I've missed something this isn't true.
80% of all males and 80% of all females don't have their UC condition - > not sex related
80% of people living in "hot" climates and 80% of all people living in "cold" climates don't have their UC triggered -> not climate related
In fact I've yet to read about a particular risk categoery that statisitcially is more likely to induce the disease. (Remember issues about Jewish ancestory etc refer to the potential to have the gene, not the trigger. There is still 80% of such people who don't have UC even though they have the potential)
So my proposition is this...that UC as we understand it today is not a condition, rather it is a collection of symptoms. In fact it is being treated as such by "modern" medicine. (the word modern being used here in the loosest possible sense!).
Last estimate gives 1,543 medical reasons for a person to have a headache. I wonder is UC similar in this repsect i.e. UC as we know it is a symptom not the underlying condition. This would go along way to explaining why people with UC have such varying symptoms.
But that's just a though, only a thought.