I am having such a bad day all around! The weather here in MI is cloudy and chilly - my body does NOT do chilly! My Uc, though I wouldn't classify this as a flare, seems to be acting up today. It does that on occasion, where I will have crampy D a couple times in a day and then everything is fine until the week or two after or I eat something that doesn't agree with me. I don't have the urgency but the cramping is a little bad today with a bit of D (no blood thank goodness). Then to top it off, it feels like the ligaments/tendons(?) in my inner thigh-hip joint area is aching and sore. This seems to coincide with the cramps so I know that it's probably Uc related. Then for the past 2 days, my upper back has been absolutely killing me! I have been back on my Skelaxin to help with the pain. My lower back was all spasmy on me earlier after bending over for a few minutes. My legs are cramping and super weak. My toes of my left foot are sending sharp shooting pains thru the ole piggies. I also now have a lump growing on the bone where I dropped the shaving cream can - thinking that the trauma is causing another cyst. Oh and not to mention, my fibrocystic breasts (especially on my right) are sending me hot shooting pains. Agh! Today is NOT a good day! I think I may just crawl back in bed and stay there