Hi damo123, I too have had great results from probiotics my last flare which was the worst I ever had since being diagnosed in 95 someone recommended BIO-K probiotic to me. Each container has 50 billion live bacteria so I took 2 a day during my flare. Well the bleeding stopped within 2 weeks, I started to gain my energy back and was finally able to leave my house after 4 months of being stuck in my bed. My BM's decreased throughout the day and I was on my way to feeling better finally. Well I still continue with I container perday at bedtime and I have been in remission for almost 2 years now which is the longest remission that I have ever had. I still take my salofalk daily, but I truly believe probiotics are key in high doses. I recommended this stuff to a friend who has IBS and she too has had amazing results.