I've decided I have a real problem with this!!
I've recently collected all of my medical records and have read through them all and it's not even remotely how I remember it! I mean, for the most part it's documented accurately but most of the time I've noticed I've said that I'm not feeling too bad, when I remember feeling like I'm dying. Also, only ONE doctor acknowledged that the Asacol was making me feel worse, and that was my initial, pediatric, GI. All the other doctors just said "Edith stopped taking her Asacol because she's feeling better, but I advised that she should not stop taking her medication" Nooo... I was feeling better BECAUSE I stopped taking the Asacol!! Grrr
Does anyone else find themselves downplaying their symptoms? It's like, I don't want people to think I'm whining about it. And it seems every time I make an appointment when I'm feeling sick, by the time I get in, I'm not feeling that bad and I find it hard to verbalize the pain if I'm not actually having it.
I've decided, when I see my new doctor in July (the reason I'm not going back to my previous doctor I saw from before I moved to Iowa is I felt he never listened, just wrote me prescriptions for prednisone and sent me on my way) I'm going to write down all of MY feelings in addition to giving him my medical records, and I'm not going to let him push me into Asacol and prednisone because "that's what seems to work for other patients" because it doesn't work for me and I always just say "okay" without question in the past and never get anywhere. Hopefully this doctor is better at listening and caring... Sometimes I wish I could see my pediatric GI again instead of dealing with the "adult" doctors!