Last weekend it was amazing how much stool I produced (without too much blood/mucous-if at all). Since Tuesday I have been going about
10x a day with cramps - in mostly bloody/Mucousy very small stools. Although I am pleased with volume and frequency are down a bit - still very flare-like in cramps, pain and now more bloody small stools needing a strain to produce - even with the urgency pain.
It seems odd that the body is flaring one way in high volume output and then another with low volume output. Frequency was 15+ per day down to 10 or less.
I think I have had this before - but it seems like a long time ago, even pre-prednisone. Anybody have any thoughts?
I have upped my VSL3 to 4 sachets a day earlier in the week, and I have tried to eat more, perhaps it is time for a VSL reduction.
Still afraid of the BM though regardless large or small...the pain/urgency feel is the same regardless.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
love to all here