Hi All,
I was just rummaging through some online info about ulcerative colitis and stumbled upon this little community, which I think is great. I just got over my first bout with a reasonable severe vase of UC (I'm somewhat in remission now), and found it very helpful while I was sick to get as much information as I could about other people's stories/cases.
I'm not much of a "share-your-story" kind of guy, but I really do feel like it's a great benefit for those that are looking for more information, because this is a disease you can really get a lot of valuable information from the patients themselves moreso than the doctors, because the patients have both the knowledge and the time (something most doctors do not have) to explain things.
As such, I spent a portion of one of my more recent insomniac nights (from the prednisone) making a video discussing my first flare up; I put it on youtube, and figured I'd share it here so that those interested in hearing about other people's experiences could listen/watch:
Part 1 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBEqEQNDHSo
Part 2 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buqGJzycP70
Part 3 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgYzPynVHvQ
I'm still pretty new to the disease, but have learned a LOT during the first 2 months...so those that are new to this whole thing, feel free to ask me questions...and those that have had UC for a while, I may be asking you guys questions too, haha...thanks!