Following an infusion, I get better- less gas, which means less mucous. I just had an infusion yesterday, actually. I measure my progress in weeks- I'm on a six week infusion schedule- the first 3-4 weeks after the infusion are great, sleeping pretty much thru the night, very little urgency/mucous/blood. But I still go 4-6x per day, in the AM, always formed. Then around week 5, I get gassier, I'm up 2-4x per night passing mucous. By week 5, I'm up at least 3-4x a night, have gas nightly, pass lots of mucous.... It's bizarre though, cause the entire time, I'll generally stick to my 4-6 formed bm's in the AM, & that's it! Sometimes I'll have a small one during the day, if I've eaten a lot, but not usually. I've just been stuck in this UC pattern for awhile now. I don't mind too much- I'm eager to hear what your scope shows- please post it! Right now I'm paranoid that I have some infection & the remicade infusion will kick it into overdrive- I've had a headache for 2-3 days, & just feel kind of lethargic. But it's ragweed season right now, & I do have allergies, so.... plus they do blood work on me just prior to my infusions, which didn't seem to show anything out of the ordinary. Anyway- yeah, the mucous is annoying but it is better than a true flare! How long have you been off steroids? I haven't taken them since February, which is pretty major for me.