well that's funny, cause I often just pass gas.... this is an interesting question that is popping up more & more, what is remission? I don't know. I guess clinical remission would be no active disease at all, anywhere in the colon. But symptomatic remission is a whole 'nother story. Currently, with my 4-6 daily formed bm's, my daily AM expulsions of bloody mucous, my ability to sleep thru the night, to leave the house without a diaper or a second thought about where a bathroom is, & being able to work 4 days a week outside my home means that I am in remission... to me! While to many this may be unacceptable, for myself..... comparing the way I am now to the way I have been the past 2 1/2 years... it is "symptom-free", so to speak! For so long I could barely leave my bed, never mind my house. Every outing was a fear-filled mess, a literal mess (in the pants) sometimes! My last scope showed about 10" of inflammation. My GI still pushes surgery, yet is willing to work with me & up some meds, possibly go to Humira if/when Remicade loses effectiveness... so he doesn't consider me to be in remission. Heck, I know I'm not really in remission, but my current symptoms do not impede my day to day life. So I'm good with that for now.