So my Doc from the Chron's and Colitis center contacted me back about
Cellcept. I may need to go on it for my Kidney's and was hoping it would help my UC too if I did take it (I would have to be off aza, can't be on two immune suppressors at the same time). Doc says that it helps out 25% of people w/UC and that he would want me to try that before trying remicade. At least it's another option.....
Just wanted to throw that out there to others who may have tried lots of drugs that have not worked for them but not cellcept. Maybe discuss w/your GI.
I try to look at the small percentages and think ok I can look at this one of two ways. I am in the small percentage of the poplulation that has UC, I am in the small percentage of people who cannot take 5ASA's.............etc. anyhow.
Hope everyone is doing well. I am at 5mg for two days and 2.5mg of pred one day. I then will go to 5mg then 2.5mg alt days for a month. super slow taper. I seem to get a tiny amt of blood about a week after each taper but then goes away. Please wish me luck, I hope to be off of pred in 2.5 mos 2 days, 3 hours and 47 seconds, but who's counting???????