I can understand about
the missing a beer now and then. I certainly do. But you have to do what you have to do with this illness. I just started a flare-up again after a four year remission. This is my 3rd flare-up. The first one started in 2000, I think from antibiotics for a sinus infection, contracted c-diff, then again 2004 UC and c-diff again (though in 04 no antibiotics, don't know how this happened). Now here I am again back on Asacol (2 400mg x 4x/day) only for now and trying to stay only on that, hoping (knock on wood) no prednisone
again. Before my flareup on Oct 29.08 I was drinking mostly beer then had 2 rum coolers and that was it. Boom. Flare-up. So, yes, it is hard to not have a drink but now we realize what could start a flare again. So try (as hard as it is) to keep a good attitude and maybe learn other methods of relaxation.