I've been researching UC for as long as I can remember and I am not a typical UC person. Sometimes I wonder if maybe just maybe they misdiagnosed me or something. I just wanted to throw my story out there and see if anyone is like me. It would give me comfort to know, I guess.
My mom has UC so it's not something I am a stranger to. When I was 18 I had rectal bleeding. I went to see a GI and they said I had a fissure. They told me to take colase and if I was bleeding after a few months I would need a colonoscopy. Well I never stopped bleeding, ever. It wasn't blood in the stool, or blood in the bowl... just blood when I wiped, never much but always there.
When I was 23 in my first pregnancy I started having these little "fat, phlem, mucus" deposits when I poo'd at around 6 weeks. No pressure, no cramps, no diarrhea. I didn't know what to call them so I couldn't research them... are they fat deposits? Mucus? Pieces of tissue? I still don't know... I do know now that ulcers release them. I had a miscarriage and a few weeks after they just stopped.
I still had bleeding, just when I wipe.
When I was 24 I got pregnant again. I started getting those deposits again... and again, no pressure, no cramps, no diarrhea. They were annoying and sometimes alot. Into my 3rd trimester I started getting the "farts with a gift". Which I had through my whole pregnancy and being SO embarrased I wouldn't tell anyone. Again, a few weeks after I delivered everything just STOPPED.
I still had bleeding, just when I wipe.
When I was 26 I got pregnant (yeah, I'm done folks). I started getting those deposits again at 17 weeks... but they got worse and worse. At 25 weeks I was almost hospitalized. I couldn't leave the house, I would go to the bathroom, come downstairs and run up to go again. I'd go up to 7 times in an hour, up to 50 times a day. Never, EVER any diarrhea... just those little deposits. But now there were tons of them, I mean like a cup full every time I went. And the smell... horrible. And the INTENSE pressure to always have to go. I couldn't eat, I couldn't even drink water. As soon as I did I ran to the bathroom. I was starting to get scared so I went for an emergeny sigmoidoscopy where they diagnosed me in a severe UC flare up. And I figured I probably had it but I couldn't understand... I mean NO DIARRHEA, No BLOOD.... why not? Why aren't my symptoms classified? Why did before the flare would just end on it's own? I figured this last time I would just get through my pregnancy and it would go away by itself. But it didn't. The Prednisone couldn't even really control it, it just reduced it to a controllable amount. about 2 months after I delivered it just stopped, and I weaned myself off Prednisone.
No more blood... no nothing.
Well until yesterday when I had a few deposits in the AM and I've been wiping blood again. And I'm not pregnant... and I don't quite know what to do. I've been taking cayenne pills to help speed up my metabolism and thinking, maybe they're irritating me. So I've stopped them and am hoping the symptoms stop too. Can symptoms just stop? Can someone eat something that doesn't agree and have a few symptoms or is that just it.. you eat something, you start to flare and that's it, you need meds?
Thanks for listening :) Thanks for offering your stories and advice in advance.