I first happened upon this cite because I wanted to know when Asacol went generic.
As I was reading a few of the posts I noticed a few things that I wanted to comment on.
I was diagnosed with UC when I was 7-8 years old. Over the past 20 years I have learned some coping skills when dealing with flare ups. When stuff is under control I take 1600mg (4 pills daily). When I have a flare up it is 3200 to 4800 (8-12 pills daily). I have found over the years that if if take a smaller but more doses throughout the day the symtoms are less severe ie with breakfast, lunch, dinner/supper. If your doc okes it of course
I also noticed that a lot of you are taking imodium to control the d. I used to do that too. But over time I learned that that just makes the d worse if you take imodium for a long time, Once in a while, I think is fine, but every day for months on end is not a good idea. I instead of taking imodium I eat a lot of low fat yogurt, eat smaller meals, more often throughout the day and increase the fiber that I'm eating. I know that last one sounds counterintuitive, but fiber bulks stuff up and cuts down on the watery d, and you will spend less time in the bathroom because it will be more solid. If you want to try eating more fiber I would increase your amount slowly otherwise it will not have time to bulk the stuff up. I also drink/eat plenty of clear fluids getting dehydrated is about the worse thing that can happen.
Ie this is what I eat in a day if I'm have a flare up (sample)
toast (w/ high amt. of fiber) w/ butter and some fruit fresh/sauce or eggs
snack 1 some yogurk
soup, salad
snack 2 fiber 1 bar (1/2- 3/4) or popcorn
low fat potien fish/ chicken w/ veggie/fruit
I hope that this helps some of you that were just diagnosed .