good morning..... Anyway, I have an RV fistula- it started as an abscess, in my perineal area. I thought it was a bad hemmorhoid, as I'd been flaring & had eatn a big bowl of chili in the recent past! It hurt like nothing else for a couple days, then the pain started to subside. about
2 weeks after that, I'm sitting at the YMCs waiting for my daughter's swim class to end & I feel this yukky wetness... no bm's, no urgency, just sudden damp. Thought it was my period, went to the bathroom- lo & behold, it was disgusting pus & fecal matter! Ran home ASAP, called my GI, sat in a hot tub to clean everything out. I went on Cipro & Flagyl to avoid infection, it drained nasty fluids for a few dayas, then settled down, leaving a lovely, visible to the eye hole. This was last November- 15 months ago! The meds I am currently on are the mesd they use to treat fistulas- Imuran & Remciade. They've done nothing to close it up, & quite frankly aren't doing much for my UC either. I've resisted surgical repair because it doesn't bother me physically- mentally, hell yeah! Plus, I figure I'll either be getting my colon out in the next year or so (the way I've been going lately, it looks to be sooner rather than later!), so that could be taken care of during that surgery. It sucks. I like my GI & think he's pretty good, but he is sort of lackadaisical about
me- his recommendation is surgery, & has been for over a year- I resist, so there's only so much he can do for me, med-wise. I understand where he's at, it's just frustrating. Anyway- BBC, what ever happened with your new GI appointment??? Do tell!