fruitgirl said...
IMO, "colitis" is just a generic term that means irritation/inflammation of the colon. There are many types of colitis (ulcerative, C. diff-associated, microscopic, etc). Yes, the symptoms are all relatively the same.
"Ulcerative colitis" is a SPECIFIC disease, and can be classified according to how much of the colon is involved (pancolitis, sigmoiditis, proctitis).
subdued, I don't think your statement that the treatments being the same regardless of the type of colitis is true. It wouldn't be appropirate to treat someone with C. diff-associated colitis with Asacol. People who have that need antibiotics such as Cipro to kill off the C. diff and allow the good bacteria to come back into balance.
I don't like the way the Wiki page is written, as it starts out describing "colitis" as being an IBD. Then later, it talks about types of colitis, and includes things like C. diff-associated colitis. Then it talks about treatment, and lists common treatments for ulcerative colitis. It's kind of misleading.
Correct fruitgirl, colitis is col=colon and itis=inflammation, simply inflammation of the colon for whatever reason be it ulcerative colitis or crohn's colitis ect.