Rather than add to the help for recipes post I would like to state here that I must be backwards or ?
Turmeric (mild curries) - best anti-inflammatory property found in nature
Dark green leafy vegetables (spinach)
Garlic (The only things here I can eat are cinnamon and very well
cooked small amount of greens)
Eggs (I live on these - a lot of dairy, cheese, not too
much red meat, too much sugar - which I am
trying to cut back, no substitutes but Splenda,
no spicy food or fried and love my tomatoes
occasonal hotdog or bologna sandwich)
Red meats
Sugar and sugar substitutes
Processed foods
Spicy foods
Fried foods
Nightshades (tomatoes, white potatoes, peppers, eggplant )
I do fine on these and no wheat (only white bread) or high fiber - kills my colon. Told to stay on this low fiber, low roughage until in remission. Hope it is not holding me back but I tried adding a little salad and WOW!!