princesa said...
I know I'm in the minority around here, but I feel IBS and IBD are on a continuum of declining digestive function as opposed to being totally separate conditions. I suffered with IBS and didn't have the sense to try to figure out what the cause was or why my digestion was screwed up. I took antispasmodics and antianxiety meds to treat the symptoms. Eventually, I had a trigger event (dose of broad spectrum antibiotics) that set off the UC. Since then, I've found that my IBS mysteriously disappeared when I got my digestive ecology rebalanced, healed the gut and problem foods are eliminated from the diet - all things I did to heal my UC.
Hi Princesa,
The medical community probably says that they are totally unrelated and they could be for those who have certain kinds of IBD. However, in my case, I too believe they are related. I had IBS for years before I had my first colitis flare up. The gas and diarrhea certainly is not good for my colon and has set off my flares.