The last few days have been very eventful. I went last week for blood work because of elevated glucose levels with home testing. My morning fasting levels are great but as soon as I eat it goes anywhere from the 150's to 202 two hours after eating.
The weird thing is that the glucose tests came back just fine but the other blood work showed I was anemic, which I know is common for UC'ers. The doctor is running more tests to try to determine the cause of the anemia. He said that because of the anemia the glucose test (a1c) is not accuate.
I've done some research on the internet this weekend. The doctor is testing for an iron deficiency but based on my symptoms I'm beginning to wonder if it isn't a B12 deficiencey.
Does anyone here have vitamin definciencies because of UC? If so, which ones? Should I have my doctor test for more than just the iron and b12?