Ok thanks a lot fruitgal. I am trying my darndest to stay out of the hospital. I'm not bleeding badly, only a bit but have terrible pressure in the rectum. Guess a lot of us can relate to that. My bowel movements (about five or six today) consist mostly of mucus. I have been taking organic ground meal flaxseed in my rice cereal with Silk. Think that is harmful? It's labeled Red Mill organic 100% whole ground golden flaxseed meal. It has 1 g of soluble fiber and 3 g of insoluble fiber. I'm not up much on that stuff. I went to a nutritionist last year after my hospitalization and she recommended this. She also gave me a wonderful low residue diet to follow but even with that, I still have the pressure. When I move my bowels it feels like my intestines are going to fall out. Horrible disease huh?
Good point you made about the GI doctor. He always tells me it is NOT diet related and leaves it at that. It's a wonder he even suggested the probiotics. All they do is push meds. He is just dying to get me started on Remicade. I fought him tooth and nail six years ago when I finally gave in an started the 6MP. Well, here I am, no better and on 75 mgm of the 6MP, 25 mgm of prednisone, Cort enemas and Canasa. What a bunch of bull this is.