Okay, I thought it was too good to be true anyhow. I asked my GI doctor about it years ago and he believed it would help if constipation were my issue, but it sure as heck isn't. My condition is the opposite. Don't need to be going more than I am now. I had a lousy day yesterday. Now I am beginning to see blood in with tons of mucus. I am on 20 mgm of the prednisone but that isn't helping anymore. My doctor told me to increase the 6mp to 100 mgm! I am scared to death to do that. When I was at 75 last year my white count went down to 2.4. Of course he is going to monitor my bloods like a hawk, but with this Swine Flu still swirrling around, it frightens me.
How did you do on Remicade? The doc has been pushing that on me for a few years too, but yesterday, he must have had a change of heart because he actually told me of two cases in Philadelphia where young men patients expired while on Remicade AND 6MP. He said he would take me off the 6MP first...well geez, thanks....but how long does that stuff stay in the system. From many of the posts I read here, Remicade isn't all it's cracked up to be either. It eventually stops working and you are back in square one. UGH..what a disease!