Hello everyone,
I am checking in. It's been a while since I've typed anything, but I have read many of your posts. When I am not in a flare, I try my best to live life without thinking about it at all.
I was just diagnosed last december...pancolitis. I had prednisone and have been on pentasa for maintenance ever since. I have had the odd bad day, but overall been ok...not perfect, but happy and well.
WELL....last week I went away on vacation. I forgot all of the diet rules etc....big trouble. I am now on my 3rd day of a flare..it's really getting me down. The first flareup since I've been on meds. I almost forgot the feeling of running to the bathroom every hour or more...but now it's almost at that point.
What do you guys do when this happens? All the thoughts of how Pancolitis is the worst kind and thought of surgery are all storming back...pre-maturely I hope.
How do you guys handle flares...what do you eat differently. Can I get it back down on my own and continue the pentasa? How long before I should go see my GI?
Any help would be awesome! I'm always trying to stay positive...sure makes it difficult tho sometimes.