I have been a long time reader, but rarely post. I have had colitis for about 5 years now, ben on all the 5-ASA's. Currently on Lialda, and 40 of pred for about 2 months now. I just got approved for remacade treatments, should start next week. In the beginning of may, I got c-diff, and was on flagyl first, then vanco. My problem is, is that every time I flare, I tend to loose weight. When I graduated from college (93) I weighed 165, then for several years before I was diagnosed I was at 155. Since this last flare I have probably lost 15 more pounds, I currently weigh about 122. Those boost/ensure drinks are ok, but not real thrilled with the taste. Anyone else have trouble keeping weight on, or even gaining weight? Any suggestions would be helpful.