I'm hoping there are some been-there-done-that moms out there that can help me out
I just gave birth to my first child (little girl!) on the 2nd. I have been breastfeeding her exclusively this whole time. Well, with the no-resting, anxiety and crying that has come along with it I am of course heading into a flare now. I just felt my first symptoms yesterday and I know that's what it is.
I'm working with her pediatrician to see if the steriod enemas and prednisone are safe to use while breastfeeding. But regardless of if they are safe, I feel as though I need to make a decision about it. I don't know how much my body can support breastfeeding and trying to kick a flare. If the flare gets bad then it's going to be awful around here, I can't imagine trying to take care of a newborn while in a full blown flare up. Though I'm wondering if I throw in the towel on breastfeeding more as a precautionary measure if it's hasty of me.
So has anyone out there tried to breastfeed through a flare up?
Any advice is welcome (and much needed!)