Ok for 10 years I had undiagnosed UC..My symptoms werent too bad I didn't think anything was wrong I was just glad I was regular even if it woke me up early and it looked like mud..
Now that I have been on the current meds for about a month things have changed but I am not sure it's for the better. I no longer wake up having to go but I do HAVE to go soon after I wake up. 80 percent of the time it's formed. Usually I have to go a good bit of formed and then it turns to mud or and hour or two later I have to go and it's mud..
I am going 3 to 4 times a day with out sudden urgency. But now I have what is a period of time that starts out as uncomfortable or full feeling, then to cramping, to needing to go.
It's sad to say but it was less uncomfortable prior to diagnosis plus the side effects such as hair loss ( I have plenty to spare so I am trying not to freak out), Puffy Eyes ( I have never had this before without good reason), And general feeling swolen all the time like water retention...
Granted I am not in flare and no where as miserable as that but still.. Anyone feel like this?