Hi Katiesmommy:
Your post also brought back many memories for me. My sweet daughter was diagnosed with UC at the tender age of 15months. Her poor colon was so inflamed that they wanted to do surgery on her. PLEASE read everything you can about ulcerative colitis. LOOK at every possible reason that your daughter may of gotten sick. She is three years old. There has to be a reason.
I have been watching dragonpack and healingwell for over seven years now. I have learned alot. I have seen people that have managed the disease well with probiotics , antibiotics, medicines that control the inflammation. I have also read stories of how their UC started after swimming in a lake, or from food poisoning. I believe that my daughter suffered for YEARS..... with a parasite or bacterial infection.
Please read Haileys letter. I have the link posted on my signature.
My daughter was VERY VERY VERY sick. Her body was literally breaking down to nothing. It brings tears to my eyes still to think about everything we went through with Hailey. The lump comes back to my throat.
I spent endless nights on the web and endless trips to all the best doctors in OHIO. AND ONLY until after she became well with an antibiotic shot that is when the doctors admitted to me that THEY KNOW that this disease can be caused by parasites or bacterial infection. They admitted that they "DO WHAT WORKS, they control the inflammation.
I agree that Dragonpack can scare you, and I pray for all of the children and their families on Dragonpack.com.
Ithurtsmom said it exactly.....their are some very tough cases. This disease is VERY difficult. It is the imbalance of the bacteria of the colon. It is the way the immune system reacts. They say 70% of our immune system is in our colon. When I heard that I took Hailey to an immunoligist. Something to think about. Please read my story. It is long I know. But I really could not tell it any other way.
I want you to email me if you need to talk. It is a sad and lonely time to go through. I want you to know that their are moms and dads out there that are here for you.