summerstorm said...
i had surgery about 2 and half years ago, best thing i ever did!!! If i had it to do over again i would have had that stupid colon out the day i first saw blood. I suffered for 8 years before saying, thats it i am beating this disease and literally, throwing this colon out!
I have a perm ileo (a bag) and it doesnt keep me from doing anything or going anywhere or eating anything.
Its really rather convenient, lol.
I am prosurgery,big time. WHen my son was about a year old, he started having blood and mucus in his poop. And i told my husband, if he has UC that colon is coming OUT we arent pumping him full of meds for years and years. And my husband agreed.
To me the bottom line is, she shouldnt have to suffer when there is a cure.
Good luck to her and to you! and good for you being such a caring and good person to take time to look around for help liek this.
I agree. Surgery is better than being pumped of meds for years and years.
I would have voted, but I've been able to achieve remission using alternative, healthy means.