Thanks for the replies.
I met with my NP yesterday and surprisingly, she was not so alarmed that the numbers were so high. I'm getting blood tests again next week, including another prometheus test, but for now I'm staying on the same dosage. Her thinking is that the Imuran is working faster on me, not the 2 to 3 months that's expected, which may be affecting my liver function blood tests. My white cells counts, etc., were much better than 2 weeks ago. Although it turns out my GI is on vacation, she forwarded the results to him.
I'm ok with this approach, although the numbers initially set off a bit of anxiety! But I really am feeling so well, I'd almost say remission, and I have no signs of jaundice or any other symptoms of liver problems, and I had no liver swelling. So I'm being patient and hoping the numbers come down.
Kazygirl, have you considered the gall bladder area pains might be PSC related? Or could you have had pancreatitis? That's honestly one of my big fears, which I shared with the NP.
I hear you, bebushka... moving up to Imuran has been a bit frightening and I put off starting it waaayyyy too long. I won't sacrifice my liver, but the complications from my UC and its drastic progression in 2 years was frightening. It's time to stop it and for me to live again.
I wish the same for you, Burli, and that the increase works.