Hi there. I just found this site recently, and am pretty thrilled to find a place to talk about UC with others in the same boat. I was diagnosed when I was 11 years old (I am now 19) and have been on several different medications since. I was on prednisone quite a bit the first few years, as it seemed to be the only thing to help me stop flaring (hated the side effects!!).The past several years, I have been on Pentasa, entocort and 6mp, which were working well; if I had trouble, adjusting the dosages was enough to "fix" things. Last year, however, I had two or three flare-ups (the last of which was pretty ugly) and so my doctor suggested switching to just Humira. I did, and it worked very well for about 9 months (I was thrilled to get off of the multiple pills a day routine, and only have to take one injection every other week!!). Then this fall, things slowly started getting bad again. I switched to a new doctor (I had been seeing a pediatric GI since I was diagnosed... ), who said it was normal for patients to stop responding to Humira after awhile, and upped the dose to one injection every week. Sounded good- and worked too, for a little while. A few weeks ago I started getting bad again, and now I'm in worse shape than I was in the first place- blood and all. (Most of my flare-ups the past few years haven't been so severe.) So........ all that to say, I called my doctor, and I guess he's on vacation or something this week, so I had to speak with his nurse. She told me to stick to a bland diet for a few days (something I had already been doing), and see what happened. Well, of course nothing improved. So today she said to start taking 40 mg Prednisone a day. I would like to know what you all think of mixing Humira and Prednisone (as both of them are immunosuppressants)?? I thought it was a no-no, but the nurse said it's okay (I don't take Humira again 'till Wed.).
Sorry to be so long-winded... just thought I'd share some of my background before asking...