Hi people- I'm considering taking a T of Milk of Magnesia nightly, to see if this will help me regulate myself.... anyone rememeber that old commercial "A T of MOM in the PM, for a BM in the AM!". Plus, my Nana (& everyone else's!) seemed to do it. Because I alternate between days with very little stool, but lots of tenesmus, bleeding, mucous, etc with days of massive amounts of formed, soft stool. Lately it's been mostly blood & mucous. I supplement with fiber, my diet hasn't changed at all..... The MOM is the only laxative recommended by my GI & I have used it in the past with good results. It seems like my colon is just not working right, regardless of the ulcerations. Obviously the Remicade isn't doing a darned thing anymore either- I have a good 3 weeks, then bam, the bleeding starts right back up. I have a call into my GI to start the insurance ppwk. on Humira- who knows if they'll approve it or not. I'm just so disgusted! Bleh!!!!!!!
But does anyone else on here use laxatives on a fairly regular basis? Do you find they make your bm's more "even", I guess would be the term???