fatboyslim said...I have a very big cup of coffee as soon as i wake.Then an hour later i will have maybe some White toast with peanut butter or plain biscuits with another big cup of coffee. I usually have bran-flakes with banana when i am in remission... again with a big cup of coffee lol :):). I never eat any pork, it is the one thing that really cripples me wjen it hits my colon.Marty
greek yoguart w/fresh fruit
fiber one cereal w/soy milk
oatmeal w/egg whites
smoothie w/fruit, soy milk and yoguart
Lalupate said...Amazing to learn that people with UC take "coffee", butter and that also in early breakfast...I will advise to completely avoid it and see the progress yourself.
mudua said...I have a 90 minute drive to work and so I don't have breakfast because if I do than I will have an urge to go to the toilet while I am driving.
1 packet of Kashi oatmeal1 cup of coffee
It seems that a lot of us like our eggs and toast!!