My current state is 1-3 bms a day, mostly one or two (sometimes 3 on weekends when daily routine changes). I am not having any bleeding right now and things are just a touch urgent but not too bad. So I dont consider myself to be flaring really although some may disagree I guess I go by what I can and can not do and right now I am not being pulled away from work, play, etc.
My only concern is this . Every single morning when I wake it at 6 or 7 or whenever I wake up..after being awake for a few min and lying there I get some cramping and need to have a bm right away. If that BM is a big one..then that will be it for the day. If its a small qty, I will most likely have another in a couple hours but after lunch I rarely go anymore.
Does this happen to anyone that is in remission? I mean the morning cramping and having to have a bm as soon as you get up?