I too was hospitalized with sepsis a few years ago, in 2008. It started with me feeling generally horrid, but I ahd been on a fairly quick pred taper, & thought the way I felt was due to that. My UC was pretty active, but it was not my worst flare. I had just started Remicade about 10 days prior to feeling really bad. I kept saying if I don't feel better, I'm calling my doctor- well, I woke up with yellow eyes & an overall yellow tings to my skin & immediately called my GI. When I told them I was jaundiced & taking into account my starting Remicade, they all assumed it was a reaction to the drug, & told me to get to the ER ASAP. I did, & was admitted from there with strep pneumonia, drug induced hepatitis, abnormal heart rhythms, & sepsis. Things got a little hazy after that- I was pretty much incoherent & out of it for about 3 days, was in ICU for 5 days total. I was put on Rocephin, other antibiotics, IV steroids, & god knows what else. Apparently my family was told it was pretty bad, could have gone either way. But, I recovered! There is no doubt in my mind that if I'd waited even one more day to get medical care, it could have gone an entirely different way. Turned out that I had most likely contracted the pneumonia prior to my Remicade infusion & had not started to develop symptoms. The infusion kicked the infection into high gear & that was it, the sepsis came about due to the high levels of bacteria in my blood from the illnesses. I don't know any specific bacteria that caused it- it may be in the hospital records. But recovery took a long time- I was in the hospital for 7 days, out of work a good 5-6 weeks. I could barely walk to the mailbox when I got home, so tired & completely groggy & spacey, it felt like I had lost half my brain cells! I was sleeping about 18 hours a day. My PC told me that was normal, after an experience like that. It did go away, but it really was a good 3 months beofre I felt ok again. Just like you, I had no idea how sick I was. And I know EXACTLY how you feel, physically- it will pass but it'll take a lot longer than you wish! Take it easy for now, rest a lot, eat as well as you can.