I agree with Iamagardner2, sounds like your doc is just frustrated with trying to get you sorted out. He should just he's frustrated but that's what he's there for. He should never, I repeat never, make YOU feel bad just because he can't seem to get it under control. He should get a dose of compassion. I have all types of docs, yes many GI docs. Some mumble and don't say anything at all. Some talk a lot, just not about
my case. They talk about
everything else like their dinner plans, vacation, etc... even though I have very little interest in that at that time. Bottom line you have to be connected on a personal level with your GI doc. I feel very strongly about
that. The credentials only go so far. I would tell him how you really feel. Your UC and colon are connected to a person with feelings and those feelings are not to be disrepected or ignored. If he's a really well rounded doc he will understand and adjust as needed. If he doesn't understand I would find another. I am very happy with my current GI doc even though it took me many years to find him.
Feel better, you have this forum to talk to and lean on.