Hi Quincy...thank you for your concern. This was found quite by accident, so nothing has been done as far as looking into cancer(that just scares me to death). Actually, my urologist is the one that has been looking into my kidney. The radioligist recommended the Ultrasound first to see what we could see. I thought they sure took a lot of pics...hope its not more than one mass. The Doc said if we can't see anything we would do an MRI and send it to a specialist to follow. The last breast exam I had they said there was a spot they wanted to follow as well so to come back in 6 mos. Well, that was 6 mos ago, so time for another mammogram. I have really firbrocystic breasts, so hopefully they are not related. I'm trying not to freak out and see what's up Thurs. I'm struggling with a flare right now so Im not sure about getting off of Aza(its not really working anymore anyway) so thats a probability. I will definitely let you know.
Thanks again.