I have eighteen days to get OK enough to go on my granddaughter's wedding cruise which I have been looking forward to. I have been flaring since December withoout much change. minor cramping, about
5 to 5 accidents perday. I am on 10 Asacol a day. WAs on low dose (10 mg prednisone in December, but it made me into a real ***** - especially to my husband. I was frustrated with my old, stone-faced doctor and just switched to a new one. I am eating a limited, very bland diet. This week I seemed to be getting better - no blood, though still very soft, mushy poop. But no blood. So last night we went out to dinner. I thoought that maybe I could re-introduce a few normal foods to get ready for the cruise. I had a small slice of meatloaf, about
half a cup of sweet potatoes and same for a scalloped squash dish. It tasted wonderful! Within a couple of hours, my gut was roiling and has been ever since. Many explosive poops and gas. But no blood so far.
Anyway, how can I manage on a cruise ship in this condition. I really want to go. It is all paid for. But how to cope? I am allergic to diaper material so can't go that route. Does anyone know anything about
plastic pants.
Could enemas help that fast?