He finally called me back.
Asked me the usuals..how many times a day are you going, are you getting up at night, are you bleeding etc etc..
He said he really needs me to come in so he can see me..he likes to see what his patients skin looks like he said ..anyway I told him I couldnt at the moment but that I wanted to switch drugs. He proceeded to tell me all the meslamines are the same and Pentasa is more for Crohns blah blah..but he prescribed it anyway cause I persisted. He also gave me refills for the salofalk enemas and supps.
He said I needed to persist through this lil flare and to come see him if things get worse. Then he started to talk about Imuran and all kinds of other trial drugs..no thanks.
So Im gonna call the pharmacy and see if they called in the Pentasa yet. He said I can still take 12 a day but I always get scared with a new drug. I hope I am doing the right thing..like what if this makes things worse and then Salofalk will not work anymore when I go back to it?
I have not been off Salofalk for 5 years.