Just over a week ago things started to get better but now they have gotten REALLY better..nothing has changed in my routine other than no stress going on at the moment...may and june were quite stressful months for the most parts but then again everyone says stress doesnt cause flares..i beg to differ..
I am back down to about 1-3 bms a day..2 seems to be the constant..no blood..no urgency..pretty normalish stools for the most part..
Taking 12 Salofalk a day..going on four months of nightly enemas...daily suppositories in the morning..vsl one packet a day plus my other supplements.
My question is whethere I can now remove the suppositories..or maybe do them every other day for a bit before stopping them..a few weeks back when I saw my GI he said my rectum looked fine and it was a waste to be doing them..but I continued...
also..I have about two more packets of vsl..I was going to switch to ultimate floral critical care when they are done...would this be a good time? I was thinking to take a two pills a day? is this ok and if so can I Take them together?