Congrats on the pregnancy.
I have a current 25 month and 11 month old, and long story short, the only thing that put me into remission was getting pregnant.
I had made my appt. to have my colon removed in Oct. 2007, and found out the next week I was prego.
I was on 100 mg. of Prednisone and 2,400 mg. of Asacol when I got pregnant, as well as had just had a Remicade infusion.
I was able to taper off of Prednisone over a 3 month period, but stayed on the Asacol the entire pregnancy. Gave birth in June 2008, and immediately began Remicade 6 weeks after her birth to try and stay in remission.
Got prego again in Nov. 2008 and had another girl in Aug. of 09, but the last 2 months of her pregnancy I did have a flare up and had to go back on 20 mg. of Prednisone. I was on Asacol the entire pregnancy with this one as well.
Asacol is a class B drug, which is relativiely safe and can be taken if necessary during pregnancy. My doctor's even suggested Remicade if needed, but I opted out.
We want another baby as well, but not right this minute. I am going to have part 1 surgery sometime soon...I see the surgeon on the 28th, and we want to try again about a year after part 1 surgery.
I wish you luck the rest of your pregnancy....just remember, the end product is worth it!!