Here's my back story:
I was diagnosed with UC 10+ years ago. I was around 19-20 years of age. I had never heard of UC and my doctor didn't explain anything about it to me, he just shoved a prescription to me. My doctor didn't seem concerned about I wasn't either. I took the medicine sporadically and saw him every now and then when it hurt. According to further colonoscopies, it was getting progressively worse, but still I didn't take it seriously...mostly because he didn't seem to think it was a big deal.
Looking back now, I know that this is my fault and I needed to be proactive about my health.
Last year, my stomach hurt progressively more. I called my doctor's office and tried to make an appointment. However, apparently there was a $10 charge that I never paid, and thus the doctor's office wouldn't let me see him or any of the other doctors at the practice again. I finally found a new group of gastrointerologists and made an appointment.
My new doctor is near my age and a woman. I don't feel embarrassed to discuss my symptoms (as I did with the other doctor).
I saw her in January of this year. She prescribed 4 pills of Lialda a day. I started taking them immediately and scheduled a colonoscopy for March. I think the pills had started to help. When I got the results back from the procedure, she said she didn't even think I had UC, just proticis (spelling?) as the inflammation was only near the end of my colon near my anus.
I couldn't understand this. I know UC can't be cured, so I didn't understand how I had so much of my colon involved when I went to the other doctor and barely anything now. She said it was probably because of the Lialda I was taking. I wasn't buying it. She wanted me to get a follow-up colonoscopy because she had biopsied a normal area and it came back having a polyp.
At first, I put off having the second colonoscopy because I had to pay so much out of pocket for the 1st one. My deductible is $2500, and my insurance only paid $42 of it. Then I realized, that since I had met my deductible, I would only have to pay 20% of the next one.
So here's where I did something stupid.
I stopped taking the Lialda since I knew I would be having a new colonoscopy. I was having intense pain before I saw this new doctor and she couldn't find a reason for it with the first test. I wanted to see what would happen...would she find anything different from the first test?
It backfired. My stomach pain and bathroom habits increased.
I finally called to have my 2nd colonoscopy much earlier with a different doctor within the practice. I had it last Tuesday (as opposed to the appt. I had on 9-16)
He took out several more polyps (how fast do they grow?!!!). He also said he wasn't sure I had ulcerative colitis...he thought it might be crohn's.
I just had my blood drawn today for crohn's tests.
My stomach pain is the worst it has ever been. Generally (within the last several months) I have a BM about 7-10 times a day. Within the last several days, I feel the intense need to have a BM every ten minutes or so, but only bloody mucous comes out.
I have been missing work more frequently.
On Wednesday, I have to have major dental work performed, so I was given penicillin to take for three days prior. It has wreaked havoc on my stomach.
So, my question is this...I have an appointment with my doctor in a few weeks to discuss my colonoscopy results and blood work. Should I start taking the Lialda again. I know it takes a while to work...and what if I have crohn's...isn't that a whole different set of drugs?
It's my own fault...I am well aware of this...but I am sooo tired of feeling sick all of the time.
If you have taken the time to read this whole post....THANK YOU!