congrats on you healthy baby boy!!
My GI is no help when it comes to diet, she doesnt think it has any bearing or affect on uc. she just tells me, "If it bothers you don't eat it"
The best thing for you to do is to keep a food diary and a symptom diary.
UC is weird, it affects everyone differently. Food doesnt bother some, some are only bothered while in a flareup and eat whatever in remission and still others find they have to always be vigilant about what they eat.
Things that I have found bother ME (u may have no problems)
dairy, coffee, black tea, alcohol, sugar, chocolate, peppers, onions
Things I suspect bother me, and I limit: wheat/breads/potaoes/tomatoes
Everyones list is indivualized.
In a really bad flare, I would try and follow a low residue, anti inflammatory diet. you can do a board search or goggle.
A good snack when I was flaring was corn chex dry, they are gluten free.
What I have done is to figure out a safe breakfast , lunch and snack , things I know do not bother me:
breakfast: scrambled eggs
snack: applesauce, or string cheese (this is the only dairy I can eat), sunflower sead butter
lunch: scoop of tuna salad or chicken salad, spinach
dinner, I try to eat protein and vegetables. If I am making something for dinner for my family that i can not eat, i just cook up a piece of salmon in olive oil and a small salad.
As far as what else has helped me:
1. definitely the food diary, its how i discovered that coffee and dairy were huge culprit in my symptoms
2. during a flare, increasing my lialda from 3 to 4 has really helped, and taking rowasa rectal enemas nightly until feeling better
3. probiotics (i increased these from 1 to 2 when i started to slightly flare again, helped)
4. once my bms decreased to about 4-5 I started taking a fiber supplement, metamucil capsules. do a search on this board to see how they help and why they are beneficial. they clump things together, not make you go more, I swear by them.
good luck, remission is possible and I hope you get there!