Hello Everyone!
I wanted to see if anyone has been diagnosed with something called Dyshidrosis eczema or any other skin issue? I have had small fluid filled blisters popping up all over my hands, feet, scalp, and random other places. They start out as one blister and then several form around it and eventually they pop and peel and BOY DO THEY ITCH! I have diagnosed myself through pictures on google (I know, I know....!) but did speak with my dermatologist and she said it sounded like it too. It is 3 weeks before I can get in to see her. Has anyone else had this? From what I read, it can be related to infusions - I'm very afraid that my GI doc will not give me treatments anymore because of this. ( I did call my GI doc too) Like our disease, the true cause is unknown but it has been "linked" in some people to infusions. Any feedback is greatly appreciated - if you have had it, how did you treat the symptoms, if you had it and were on Remicade, what did your doc say about continuing treatments? I want to have SOME knowledge besides google prior to the visit. I'm freaking out about stopping my Remicade treatments. It seems to be the only thing that has worked for me and I'm adamant that I won't go back to steroids. Thanks so much in advance for any help you can provide!