I started birth control pills when I was 16, and that's when my UC symptoms started shortly after. Around 18 I saw a GI dr and got a colonoscopy which only showed mild inflamation and it didn't look like UC. I was off and on bc pills for years.
At 24 (this past May) I was hospitalized from severe symptoms and pain. They were attempting to treat me with prednisone, anti-inflamatories, anti-biotics, and all kinds of medicines. The hospital dr took me off everything (including birth control pills) and my symptoms cleared up after a week or so with only mild flare ups.
3 months later I got pregnant with my first child. At 5 weeks of pregnancy my symptoms started getting worse. After a couple of weeks I was in so much pain and couldn't keep anything down. I got another colonoscopy and was diagnosed with UC and saw it was EVERYWHERE in my large intestines. The next day I was hospitalized because the pain was so bad. Oral pills for UC made my pain and symptoms much worse (pills like asacol). Prednisone was the only thing that helped.
Currently I'm 12 weeks pregnant, being tapered of Prednisone, and started Remicade. I have been worried about the side effects but I definitely need the meds to stay healthy.
With me I know there's a link between hormones and my UC flare-ups, I'm just not sure that something like birth control pills could cause UC? I would be interested to find that out too.