I was diagnosed in Sep 2009 with UC. Initial problems were the result of C-diff. Lost 20 something lbs in under 30 days. Was hospitalized for 11 days. At the time, doctors weren't sure what I had because the symptoms didn't "present" in the typical fashion.
After being treated with antibiotics, prednisone, mesalamine and 6MP(which I was quickly taken off of cause it was affecting my liver) I have not had DH nor stomach pains. My only real problem is uncomfortable bowels movements. More pressure and gas than pain. Stools have been well formed, occasionally loose with blood depending on what I eat. Occasionally have clots. Had hemmies years ago when I was a heavy weighlifter. They were all but gone until the bout with C-diff in Sep 2009. As I recall, the sensation I have now is similar to when I had bad hemmies. GI started me on Remicade in Sep 2010, haven't see any change in symptoms. GI doc never mentioned rectal meds at all.
Anyone else have similar symptoms? Going to start the SCD, hope that helps.
For the most part, I feel normal until I have a bowel movement.
44yr old female
Diagnosed Sep 2009
moderate UC according to my GI doc