Gee..all this talk about
drinking and I've been avoiding alcohol like the plague!
Before I had UC I lived in Germany in 1993-94. The other American's I was with even mentione that you don't get the hangover with German beer lik eyou do with the American types. I heard it was because there was more alcohol in the German beer.
Also each state regulates the amoun tof alcohol in beer. I was at a brewery that served a beer in a cognac glass becasue the alcohol level was too high to be beer in that state!
I used to driink wine...and it's a hard thing not to do being in Virginia with all the wineries. My dad is 89 years old and can't drink due to meds too. I try not drinl to support him as well. Boy for an 89 year old he can certainly have a tantrum over not getting a glass of wine! Next time I shoudl tell him to "act his age"!
I also got conflicting info from my GI. In his office he said a glass of wime with dinner is ok, but in my med records he wrote "no alcohol". I normally get headaches from a single glass anymore. I even tried wine with low sulfites. I just hate how the push alcohol everywhere were you go out to eat! Sometimes I feel like telling them I'll have a glass if they want to watch me give birth to my colon!