One of the facts shared with us from our "j-pouch angel" was the importance after each bathroom trip using a barrier to keep the outside anal area free from irritation as the output is acidic as I am sure you know. He tried every thing and what worked the best for him was Desitin.
I had some already in the house so I experimented since they don't make small tubes of it........easier for us gals as we have I took a small flexible travel bottle 1/2 ounce and put Desitin in it so down the road he could carry it in his pants pocket. Not as easy as it sounds to do
As tubes get smaller and smaller that is what he carries instead of a larger tube for "on the go". We got a lot of helpful info from him....that is when I was made aware at how important initially it would be for me to be able to help hubby with the bag if I could summon the strength to do so...I hadn't thought about that that advice was very important along with other facts.
The j-pouch org which I am sure you already are aware of has tons of info. We don't need it now but it was helpful nevertheless when we were researching every single thing.
I am very happy for your outcome....Happy Healing!