Since the nurse works for your primary physician I'm not surprised she was unaware of how debilitating UC is/can be. You are lucky that your primary doc. takes it seriously, my primary doctor way back when UC was just starting was clueless, suggesting OTC gas-relief pills, even though I had a colonoscopy diagnosis of proctitis and fairly severe symptoms.
I have been treated poorly by some nurses, especially in regards to pain (not UC related). Some of them have no empathy at all and it's not a job-requirement apparently. Probably the sensitive ones don't last, seeing sick people and people in pain all day long, could be quite depressing to a sensitive person. So what's left are the tough ones, lol.
When I am treated
really badly by someone I leave feedback, either on or Or if it's fixable I contact the office instead and tell them what they did wrong. I don't put up with crap and if I don't tell them how will they know?
My current docs have
great support staff and since I interact with the staff way more than the doctor that's important.