beachlife said...
Gavriel, unsurprising they were able to half their medication? Sounds pretty positive to me.
Sure it's positive, but it provides no evidence of the alleged efficacy of Chinese "medicine" (I believe we should consider forbidding this "practice", by the way). Even without treatment, many UC patients (myself included) have had episodes of "remission" that can last up to six months or more. Eventually, most UC-patients learn these lessons the hard way, and stop jumping for joy as soon as they've had a few weeks or months of feeling good - while claiming that they've found their personal "cure". Unless you're feeling really good for at *least* one year, then don't come running to me while saying that some magic powder you got from some fake doctor (Chinese, homeopathic, naturopathic, or otherwise...) gave you "remission". UC is characterized by episodes of being symptomatic and asymptomatic, with or without medication. So again, feeling good for a little while without conventional treatment means absolutely nothing. I have "recovered" from VERY extreme flares in the past with one ingredient - time. Solumedrol, prednisone, and low-residue diets while being hospitalized and getting my sugar, salt, and water via IV couldn't pull me out of a flare a few years back... only waiting and suffering did. I knew the drugs had nothing to do with it because if they had worked, they would have worked much, much, much sooner. Should I go an tell everyone that room 101 in the hospital in which I was checked in has magical powers? No, because that wouldn't make any sense, right? We should apply the same standard to anecdotes that are senseless.
I don't mean to rain on anyone's parade, but I'm somewhat of a UC veteran and a science geek. I don't want anyone to be fooled by their own delusions, or worse yet, to be taken in by the delusions of others. Life with UC is hard enough without being so desperate that we chase after fool's gold. I may be abrasive, and I admit that, but I participate in this forum because I care and because I understand... and because I sympathize in ways that people who don't suffer from the disease cannot. Except for those who have had surgeries (I have not yet had to have surgery, knock on wood!), I understand the vast majority of UC-sufferers. I've been there, I get it.