Hi Notsosicklygirl,
I felt like I was addicted to them, because I was getting better and better, no gas or bloating! I stopped the sulfa two weeks ago (week prior to laser resurfacing and week after) I was on Valtrex and I just didn't want anymore things in my system. I'm back on 4 pills a day. I think I will go have the shot today. Can you believe it. I can't say in words the pain and agony I was in from eating! I would have a carrot or a pea or a rice cake it didn't matter what a eat, I would be erupt with gas it seems the minute the food hit my stomach and be in pain for hours. I would have to lay down on my left side to pass it, it wouldn't pass otherwise. I would leave restaraunts to lay in my car to pass the gas, I would leave parties and and be in fear and pain the whole time I went anywhere! I'm so good right now! Like I said my UC is still the same though. But one problem solved!
My Lyme's doctor is the best. It's taken a year to get here with him, but he listens and he trys to really help. He's open to ideas and reading articles that I bring in. My GI says he tells everyone they have Lyme's but I had two doctors tell me "chronic Lyme's" disease by the way of testing from Igenix company in CA, that's all they do, look for Lyme's. I spent $1,000 on two different tests. Thanks for responding and caring. Linda